Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Soundwalk revision 3

Each of my locations provided a different sound.  Starting off in the library was a little difficult because I was honestly just sitting there trying to take in my surroundings so that I wasn't making any scripted sound of myself.  I really wanted to focus on the sounds around me so I tried to stay still.  Once I left the library, I wanted to listeners to get the feeling of walking so I was recording my footsteps on the way to the junker center.  Then, once I reached the building, there are sounds of the doors opening and people talking to provide the scene of people in the area.  The junker center is almost always busy so I was glad to capture the chatter and bustle of people moving around.  Once inside at the volleyball game, all of the familiar sounds I am used to, I wanted to capture.  Being a volleyball player myself, I wanted my listeners to feel what I feel when I walk into the gym every day for practice.  The whistles and girls cheering once points were scored were what I wanted to capture the most.  I am glad that my project provided a story that was able to be told without narration or any form of words with it.  It was truly a story of sound.

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